Hey! Fat Girl!

I'm the girl you don't like just because I'm fat. Nice to meet you, too.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Tell Me...

I promise to finish the Husband Story very soon! But in the mean time, I'd love it if everyone who reads this blog would comment with one (or more) of their most embarrassing food and/or fat girl stories. You can be completely anonymous, too.

Here's mine:

When I was in grade school I was pretty hefty. I remember being weighed by the school nurse at 10 years old and I was at 150 pounds. There was a classmate in the nurses office who either saw or heard that number and she went and told EVERYONE. And what's worse? She ended her little speech with "She's, like, heavier than my dad and he's THIRTY!"

No one seemed to forget about that moment, either. I was still hearing it when I was 18 and graduating. Kids are so cruel.

Your turn!


At April 05, 2006 7:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I was 12 our family drew names out of a hat and exchanged small gifts. My Aunt got my name and she gave me a fork with all the tines rolled down except one and it was labeled "Diet Fork". I was so embarrassed. I knew I was fat but it still stung.

At April 06, 2006 10:28 AM, Blogger Amy said...

my mother wanted to buy me a maternity dress for my senior prom. i was a size ten. i'll never forget that day.

At April 09, 2006 10:13 PM, Blogger Estelle said...

I was 14 and in love. Yep, love. L.O.V.E. It sounds so nice. It even looks pretty, writting it in this blog comment box. He was a little older (16) and ALOT more experienced. He knew just what to say, everything I wanted to hear. Everything I had never heard from other guys, how beautiful I was, how any guy would be lucky to have me, how he could be everything I was lacking. I had known him pretty much all my life. Our parents were friends. I knew it was a bad idea but i fell for him. I told myself not to, that I would just get hurt. Even my best friend said it was doomed and that it could only end badly. But I was 14 and I knew everything (I was sooooo much smarter than girls my age) so I didn't listen to reason or logic.
One day, he told me that he loved me but he wasn't in love with me (ouch). He said he had a reputation to maintain and "a fat chick just can't fit into the popular crowd" (double ouch). He went so far as to say "if I had your personality in Hannah's (my best friend to told me not to fall for him) body, I would have the perfect woman."
I haven't spoken to him in four years. That's not to say I haven't seen him. I saw him a year and a half ago, at my dad's funeral. Of course, I didn't care at the time, I had more important things to worry about but (now that I think about it) it still stung that he never even said hello to me or that he was sorry for my lose.
It makes me wonder if he still feels guilty. I can only hope.
PS- Thank God, I didn't sleep with him.

At April 10, 2006 4:43 PM, Blogger Hey! Fat Girl! said...

Oh goodness. These stories are heartbreaking. But I've been through it, too. The splitting of the pants, the "can't be seen with a fat girl" crap boys fed me, all of it.

But I'm pretty positive that what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger.

Keep posting, girls!


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