Hey! Fat Girl!

I'm the girl you don't like just because I'm fat. Nice to meet you, too.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Another Apology

I'm sorry I've been vacant for so long. I've been feeling guilty and kind of regretting I even started this blog. I don't have as much time as I hoped to devote to it. I'm either working or eating or sleeping or fighting with my Husband. And all those things take away from blogging. I'm hoping that those of you who read this will stick around, but I don't blame you if you want to remove me from your blogrolls.

Mmmmm....blogroll. Doesn't that sound like it would be a tasty treat?

Anyway, if you haven't caught on, things have been hectic in my life. What else is new, right? There is just no time for ME because I keep spreading myself too thin (Oh! I wish!) and taking care of other people before myself. That's the story of my life. I care about too many people, and not enough take the time to care back. Do any of you relate to that? It's not very fun.

So I'll try my absolute best to update at least once a week. That shouldn't be too difficult, right?

Thanks for sticking with me.


Today (well, last night) I ate a whole

  • cake. I baked one of those confetti cake mixes (it was on sale, along with the frosting, for a criminal $0.99!) and ate the whole thing.

    Have you ever consumed an entire cake before?


    At May 21, 2006 1:57 PM, Blogger Nicole (SummersComing) said...

    Glad to see you!! Update when you can....no pressure! Confetti Cake....yum!

    At May 21, 2006 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Have I eaten an entire cake?


    At May 22, 2006 8:06 PM, Blogger A BLOG NOT HERE said...

    Hi HFG :)

    Now I know how some people feel about using MY name because it makes THEM feel uncomfortable.

    Glad to meet you, honey.

    I'm Sorry to hear that you've been fighting with your husband so much and hope it gets better for you guys.

    As far as the caring about others first and you second thing goes, I too can relate to that personality trait. Excuse me for saying this but I really feel that our weight issues are definitely linked to the stress/frustration that is occurring in our personal lives. Do you mind my asking whether you watch Dr. Phil? The reason I ask is that occasionally I do and I think he is GREAT. I also read a lot of self-help/psychology books and I learned a lot about the human psyche and especially how to better deal with my own :)

    These blogs are helping me so very much because the people I have met are incredibly supportive and caring. I know you've said that you can't blog as often as you wish you could, but I think that whenever you do, you will find a caring ear. :)

    Not only have I eaten whole cakes at one sitting, but whole boxes of brownies, cookies and big bags of candy as well. I'll probably ALWAYS have this problem, since I'm a food addict, but I am desperately trying to keep it in check.

    Like you I too was teased unmercifully as a fat kid and teenager and the pain of this is something that does not fade away for us.

    I am adding your blog to my list of blog links because I WANT to, OK??!!!!! ;)

    Take care and be good to yourself. You deserve everything beautiful in this life!!!!!!!

    At May 23, 2006 1:41 PM, Blogger Hey! Fat Girl! said...

    Hi FB, and thank you for your comment.

    You asked me about Dr. Phil and if I watch his show. The answer is no for two reasons: 1) because I'm at work when his show is on and 2) I don't particularly think he is a very good psychologist. In short, I think he's a up there with Miss Cleo.

    But that's just my thoughts on him. I think it's great if you like him and he helps you, but I just find him laughable.

    Thanks for adding me to your list. I really appreciate it :)

    At May 24, 2006 5:15 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

    No. I've eaten several large pizzas by mysef though.
    And a pound of dark chocolate in one day.
    And a box of chocolate chip cookies. mmmh... chocolate chip cookies.

    At June 05, 2006 11:51 PM, Blogger FunnyBits said...

    Eating whole cakes is what I do...I buy them and I get a fork or spoon and sit down and eat them. It's my "thing"...I hate myself sometimes, well most of the time, and I'm glad I found your blog. I have one too...although right now its pretty damn depressing. check it if you want to

    I understand completely about not caring. It's depression my friend. I hope you at least check out meds and stuff cuz they really do help. The signs of depression are weeping for one. The weeping for no specific reason...I've been doing that alot lately.

    I wish you the best. Please write to me if you need any support around this.

    Michele aka Fatty

    At June 07, 2006 2:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Yes, I have and I always hate myself afterward. But it's so good...why does it have to be so good? :(

    *sigh* you have my sympathies. No wait, you have my empathies, because I am often in the same place you are re: food.

    At June 14, 2006 2:54 PM, Blogger Kyraylyn said...

    If I frosted an entire box of Little Debbie Swiss Rolls or Strawberry Shortcakes and at them it would be the size of a cake...somehow it seems less if I am eating a whole box of single servings...but it all adds up to a cake.


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