Hey! Fat Girl!

I'm the girl you don't like just because I'm fat. Nice to meet you, too.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Thank You!

Thanks, everyone, for your comments re: therapy. I am currently searching for a therapist in my town that takes my insurance. Oh, and one that has night time appointments, so I can meet him/her after work. I'd prefer to have a woman, but I'll take what I can get.

I'm so bad at this blogging thing, but at least I've kept to my "once a week" promise.

My husband is currently on his way to a bachelor party for his friend Joel. I think he was a little freaked out that I didn't make a fuss about it. Why would I? I don't own him; he can do what he wants. And if he wants to drink in excess, smoke stinky cigars, and stare at boobies all night, I wish him lots of fun. I just don't care, to be honest. I think he can tell.

So I have the house to myself tonight. I have the movie "The Family Stone" to watch, and I'm trying to decide what I'm going to stuff into my face. I bought a giant bag of mini peanut butter cups, so I'm eating those. I have microwave popcorn, two 2 liters of diet coke, and I'm debating if I want to make a pan of brownies or not. Oh, and I have some Ben & Jerry's in the freezer, too.

I just have to make sure I clean up the evidence before my husband gets back.

What's everyone else eating this weekend?


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