Hey! Fat Girl!

I'm the girl you don't like just because I'm fat. Nice to meet you, too.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Another Apology

I'm sorry I've been vacant for so long. I've been feeling guilty and kind of regretting I even started this blog. I don't have as much time as I hoped to devote to it. I'm either working or eating or sleeping or fighting with my Husband. And all those things take away from blogging. I'm hoping that those of you who read this will stick around, but I don't blame you if you want to remove me from your blogrolls.

Mmmmm....blogroll. Doesn't that sound like it would be a tasty treat?

Anyway, if you haven't caught on, things have been hectic in my life. What else is new, right? There is just no time for ME because I keep spreading myself too thin (Oh! I wish!) and taking care of other people before myself. That's the story of my life. I care about too many people, and not enough take the time to care back. Do any of you relate to that? It's not very fun.

So I'll try my absolute best to update at least once a week. That shouldn't be too difficult, right?

Thanks for sticking with me.


Today (well, last night) I ate a whole

  • cake. I baked one of those confetti cake mixes (it was on sale, along with the frosting, for a criminal $0.99!) and ate the whole thing.

    Have you ever consumed an entire cake before?